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班級 (bān jí/ Section) and 名字 *

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Please use your real name or we won’t be able to grade you.

Family Members

This week we learned some basic kinship terms and the particle 的. First please review the vocabulary from Lesson Two Dialogue One, then watch the following video to learn more kinship terms.

家族歌 jiā zú gē / Family Song

The subtitles of this song are simplified characters. So for your reference, 妈妈=媽媽 and 爷爷=爺爺. As for the rest of the characters in this song, there is no difference between the simplified and traditional versions.
In the song, you will also encounter 姐妹(jiě mèi) which means sisters, and 兄弟(xiōng dì) which means brothers. Remember them before you start to sing the song.

Did you figure out who is 爺爺(yéye)、奶奶(nǎinai)、伯伯(bóbo)、叔叔(shūshu)、姑姑(gūgu)、外公(wàigōng)、外婆(wàipó)、舅舅(jiùjiu) and 阿姨(āyí)?
If so, please go on to do the following exercise. If not, listen to the song again.

Family Tree

Remember the new kinship terms you just learned. Look at this family tree then answer the following questions. The first three questions are multiple-choice questions. The rest of the questions are True or False questions.
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李友是誰? *

我外公姓什麽? *

誰是高友? *

我爺爺、奶奶有兩個孩子。 *

我外公、外婆有一個兒子,一個女兒。 *

我舅舅沒有孩子。 *

我沒有叔叔,我有伯伯。 *

我媽媽沒有姐姐。 *

王美不是我姑姑,她是我媽媽。 *

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